West Palm Beach Home Health CareThe number of people taking prescription medications has risen over the years, and the careful adherence to directions is crucial for patients of every age. Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted Medical Center researchers say. Antibiotics, antidepressants and painkilling opioids are most commonly prescribed, their study found.

One in six patients will have an adverse reaction do to a mistake following directions or because of an error by a physician or pharmacist.

Any time you pick up medications from a pharmacy you should take a moment at the consultation window to check the accuracy of the dosage and make sure your pharmacist is fully aware of all medications you are taking, both prescribed and over-the-counter. Make sure they are no dangerous drug interactions by asking about them. It might take a while to wait until your pharmacist is available to speak with you, but please take the time and wait.

Once the medications are home, laying out a plan for taking them according to directions is critical. Some medications are morning meds, some are evening, some are at bedtime, and some are daily while others are every-other day. It’s confusing! Imagine an elderly person, living alone and trying to sort out the dozens of pills they must take every week in order to survive. Sometimes they have family members or friends who can help place the pills into a weekly plastic pill dispenser, but often they don’t.

Feingold Home Health Care Services serves patients throughout Palm Beach and Broward counties with services ranging from home health aides who help with routine chores to nurses who are trained and licensed to administer advanced medical care. We are conscious of the dilemmas faced by families who want their loved ones to be comfortable and safe at home instead of in a care facility. We’re also aware that cost is always in issue and we work with families to handle those issues. Call 561-210-9096, we’re here to help.