Florida is the Sunshine State and it’s also the hottest state in the U.S. so the combination of sun and high temperatures make it a dangerous place for those who don’t stay hydrated and seek shelter in the shade as much as possible.

Click Here to see the Temperature Rankings for all 50 States

Home Health Care Services Palm BeachHydration (drinking water) is important for people of all ages but for seniors it needs to be carefully monitored and encouraged. Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

The most important way to prevent dehydration in elderly adults is to make sure they are drinking enough liquid. Seniors and all adults should drink at least 64 ounces of fluids such as water or non-caffeinated beverages daily. Caffeinated beverages cause frequent urination and promote dehydration.

Many fruits and vegetables contain water so an ample supply of melons, apples, cucumbers and lettuce are essential and nice foods to help with hydration.

If you have a friend or loved one who is homebound and alone, how do you know if they’re drinking enough water? You can ask them, but you may not always get the right answer. It’s important to check on people who live alone as often as possible, even if it’s just a phone call or a video call. Encourage them to drink healthy fluids and make sure there is plenty of cool clean water available at all times.

If you’re not sure someone is getting the intake of water and healthy foods they need we can help. Our licensed care-givers and nurses can handle everything from nutritional assistance to advanced medical responsibilities. Please call us for guidance on how to make the best decision for your loved one and your budget. (561) 210-9096