South Florida Home Health Care

The Importance of Senior Foot Care

Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. Theodore Roosevelt

Our feet act as our foundation, and they are also our primary means for transportation.

It’s very important for everyone, especially seniors, to inspect their feet and look for anything unusual. Dry skin, brittle nails, discoloration, feelings of cold or numbness, and burning, tingling sensations can all be warning signs of serious illness, including diabetes, arthritis or circulatory disease. That’s why experts recommend regularly inspecting your feet—either doing it yourself or having your spouse or caregiver do it—to check for any warning signs or changes. If something doesn’t look or feel right, consult your primary care physician or a podiatrist.

In our younger years it’s common to wear flip-flops or run around barefoot but we get older our feet become more delicate so wearing socks and supportive shoes becomes not only more practical but critical for overall good health.

Sometimes seniors gain weight due to lack of exercise and that can put more strain on feet. Swimming, yoga, or riding a bicycle can help keep the weight down and feet healthy. It’s also a good idea to maintain toenails because if one of them becomes ingrown it can lead to infections which are particularly problematic for seniors.

How Can Feingold Nursing Help?

Our aides and nurses are trained to recognize outward signals that may indicate an inward situation that needs attention. If you have a friend or family member that lives alone and could use help with daily responsibilities or medical assistance, we can be there. Call 561-210-9096 for a free consultation. We’re here to help.

Home Health Care South Florida